5. Tools

This section provide documentation for some small classes and functions that comes along with the Quack Quack framework.

5.1. Finders (ObjectFinder)

This class is designed in order to auto import all the needed objects. This is very helpful, for example, when you need to import all the dataclasses used in project in order to make serialization, but you don’t want to write the configuration file. Finders will do that automaticly.


All automatic import mechanism have a downside: if the import will not be successful, then the mechanism needs to ignore this file. In order to mitigate this problem Finders logs everything, so please remember to configure the qq.finder logger for yourself.

5.1.1. ObjectFinder

This class was created for searching objects across all needed packages.

from abc import ABC

class ObjectFinder(ABC):
    def __init__(
        parents: List[str],
        ignore_list: List[str] = None,
        cache_key: str = None,

In order to crete an ObjectFinder you need to give list of packages in str parents: List[str] where to search for the objects. You can add some ignore list.

finder = ObjectFinder(["mypackage"], ["mypackage.notthis"])
objects = finder.find()

Finders are cached by default, so if you wish to recreate the cache, just add True to the method.


5.1.2. Creating custom Finder

Creating custom finder is very simple. You need to inherit from ObjectFinder and overwrite the is_collectable method. This method return True if the object which was found is the one we are looking for.

class StrFinder(ObjectFinder):
    def is_collectable(self, element: object):
        return isinstance(element, str)

class DataclassFinder(ObjectFinder):
    def is_collectable(self, element: object):
        return is_dataclass(element)

class CustomBaseTypeFinder(ObjectFinder):
    def is_collectable(self, element: object):
        return issubclass(element, CustomBaseType)